Thursday, June 17, 2010

On to the next stage

We gave Clomid for Male Factor the college try, to unpredictable and undependable avail.

The clock is ticking hard (DW 41 in Oct) and we opted for IVF ICSI. Thankfully the tax return was goo this year and so there was at least one good injection (cash).

All was looking as positive as ever for us- 3 follicles growing, 3 eggs retrieved, all blood work in range. Two eggs were put back in for a day 3 transfer. Sadly- no pregnancy.

This was tough for us to digest.

We are currently in no-where-ville. RE prescribed clomid challenge and AMH. Both tests will likely tell us what we already know- DW is only likely to give 2-3 eggs. (Duhhh!) But I'm done arguing. If anything I was interested in whether or not we are gambling with a 33% probability with Downs or not.

The E2 test came back at 76... which is above the 50 where this clinic is willing to accept the Clomid challenge results but below the 80 mark which keeps us in the slightly better than hopeless zone.

We are waiting on the AMH tests. Wife is nervous, but I have a high confidence level they will predicts exactly what we saw in IVF 1 & 2:

Here's why:
If DW's ovaries were completely done- the souped up IVF wouldn't have had any eggs. If she had plenty of eggs, IVF (1&2) would have had plenty of eggs. The AMH will tell us exactly what we know- she's pushing 41 and the window is barely open. I'm done with suspecting the Drs are trying to fleece us. If that were the
case they would have had us march directly into the next IVF cycle with a golden pen and check book, so I will keep my pie hole shut.

I am blessed with a good income and I'm financially bracing for putting retirement on hold for a year while we battle on, but I wonder if we are prepared to go for IVF 3,4,5,6 w/out success?

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