Monday, December 28, 2009

Clomid- I'm here to pump you up.

Ahhhh Steroids....Irony alert.

Once upon a time I was one hell of an athlete. I had full ride offers from EVERY college in the United States, (except Stanford, which as a rule would not offer a freshman a full ride even if they were coming direct from the Olympics). A Google search on my real name will prove it (20 years after the fact!!!) except I'd like to keep this anonymous. So just take my word for it.

This is relevant today because I never once took steroids or any other performance enhancing drugs, yet here I am still battling infertility. The only correlation I can fathom is that this once upon a time stallion is now a desk jockey with a 90 minute commute to and from work (when I don't get to work at home) and one has to wonder if my wimpy life style and plumping up to a normal weight has something to do with my motility issue.

Well my blood work came back today and FSH, LH, and Prolactin all are normal. My total testosterone level was off by a little (314, normal is 332-896) and so I'm getting a light dose of Clomid (50 milligrams/week). From what I've read this is a low dosage.

Anyway- we'll keep a look out to see if this helps get the motility above 25%.

Also today I switched back to sleeping in the buff and going commando. I was doing this religiously when I got an uptick on the motility this past fall. According to Wikipedia the tails are formed in the later stages of production or spermiogenesis. From what I understand this takes place in the outter region of the nads and could be where my core temperature is frying the swim team.

I don't really know if I'm cooking them with my core temp, but I do know it doesn't cost me any money to sleep naked.

1 comment:

  1. hi. i am still going through your blog. Can you please clarify what you mean by:

    'Also today I switched back to sleeping in the buff and going commando'

    what is buff? what is commando? I’m not American or male. not sure to which category those two word fall into!(joke)
