Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The effects of heat on your swim team

I hope other guys reading this are able to get some value from my experiements. Today I'm pondering the heat effect. This has been disputed widely.

Switching to boxers is not enough to do the trick- if heat is the issue the family jewels are still quite warm in there. Your goal is to get them 2 degrees lower than body temp- and if temperature is the issue you have to go a bit further than not wearing speedo-tight-tighty whiteys; you need to go full on commando and sleep in the buff. This will let your body do the temp control work on its own.

Leading up to our IVF in Dec, I had gotten lax and started just wearing boxers and not sleeping in the buff; the counts resulting from this were horrid. All this time I had been taking vitamins and minimal boozing and exercising moderately. I drink OJ daily, eat more veggies than I have in my entire life- and still horrid counts. Dealing with some serious assholes at work probably didn't help.

After buying the microscope the counts were just as miserable, but now being in a position to monitor it, I've been checking almost daily. I've been going commando for 2 days and sleeping in the buff for 2 nights and the change in the number of swimmers has been pretty dramatic.

On the first scope check a week ago, I could only see a few "wigglers" (not swimmers) at 20X160 magnification. With this field of view there are easily several hundred swimmers. I haven't gotten cover slides yet, so there are a ton under the other layers of baby batter that I can't see.

On day 2 of this temperature change (commando and sleeping in the buff) across multiple fields of view I'm getting 20-30 "shakers" which would be low motile and about a half dozen swimmers.

This is hugely positive. This also lends credence to the theory that a lot of my issues are due to over heating the final stage of sperm formation- which is when the tails are grown. I had suspected that a 14 day change would have an impact- and this is aligned with that theory. We'll see what the next few days bring.

Although- considering "marital needs" I don't think it's a good idea to be doing these tests daily. Gals- know what you are getting into when you marry an engineer who grew up on a farm :-)

Other factors to consider here.

1- I took the clomid pill yesterday. Probably not soon enough to have this sort of effect
2- I've been on vacation for about a week. My day job is hella stressful and time away from work may also be helping. For at least two of these days I've been in my happy place (burn pile out by the orchard- oops didn't know there was a burn ban on till after the second day).
3- I've been working outdoors quite a bit during this week off, and I've been getting more exercise than normal and sitting less.

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