Sunday, January 3, 2010

Vindication- This is your swim team on Clomid

This is a big break through, because it has been a total mystery as to why my swim team has been dead or not kicking on arrival. As noted in previous posts, all my plumbing works, no trauma, no prior steroid use, no mumps, no malnutrition, no diabetes. No good reason.

I'm happy to declare initial findings today that Clomid for male factor infertility (motility) WORKS!!!!!!! Well, not for everyone, but definitely in my case. I say this here because there is a lot of official scribing of not prescribing Clomid because some double blind study failed to show an increase.

Clomid basically raises Testosterone levels, so if your testosterone level is normal or you have plumbing issues, Clomid will probably be of no help to you.

I started on Clomid a week ago after the blood work came back. I did this because my swim team on IVF day was totally dead on arrival. While FSH, LH, TSH, and Prolactin were all w/in range, the free testosterone was at the very low end of acceptable (9 and 5-40 is normal) and the total testosterone was slightly below normal according to this lab (314 and the range is 332-896).

I took my first 50 mg Clomid pill on Monday evening 12/28 and the second on Friday afternoon 1/1. On Friday morning I took another look under scope after 36 hours of abstaining, and there was a small uptick in swimmers, but not as pronounced as today. Today is Sunday morning 1/3 and after only about 10 hours of abstaining (last night was the last full night of our Christmas vacation), I can see more motility in a single field of view under the microscope than in any TOTAL sample thus far.

This was the exponential growth rate in motility we've been looking for.

I've been sleeping in the buff as well, but I'm doubting that as being effective as this jump in motility appears much larger than the few percent we saw on the sample last summer. I'm curious to get lab counts using WHO standards as this jump appears to exponential.

Clomid side effects: I've noticed I've been grumpier than usual and although the main mast still stands at attention, it's not really the "A" game. Starting on Saturday morning I noticed the blood flow affected to the unit. Since even when I'm super tired or stressed out, I've never in my life experienced anything negating my functional performance, it is a safe bet that it is the Clomid. I should note that it's not killing performance, but it sure as hell is negatively impacting it. This is wierd, since the impact is increased T- which ought to be having the opposite effect. Anyway, since we're screwing for babies and not for sport, the numbers in the baby batter are all that matter here.

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