Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Upward trend- microscope 1/20

I checked on 1/18 Monday night- volume was signficant, but unfortunately the first bit overshot the container (another Clomid side effect?) and although the volume was good, the sample was lack luster for swimmers (barely any). With minimal refract time I hit another round- and there were some good fields, but not quite like Sunday morning.

Since then there hasn't been more the 12 hours of abstinance (another Clomid side effect?) despite some erectile dysfunk (DEFINATELY a Clomid side effect).

So this afternoon I sent a round to the microscope- and holy tad poles!!!! This is 2x what I saw 3 days ago. This is EXTREMELY positive. I'd estimate that there were easily 100-150 fast swimmers per high powered field. Morphology was extremely good.

At this point I'm not only enthused about the prospect of getting us knocked up, but not having to drop 15k to do it. As we are looking for twins, we may do the IUI with drugs to try and get two eggs.

Both the GP and the OBG had said that it would be a month+ for the Clomid to really take effect (well the GP said that was the case for T shots, he wasn't as familiar with the impact of Clomid).

This leaves me curious about what things will look like a month from now. It also leaves some hope that if we hit it hard during the Ovulation window- we may even see a natural pregnancy this month.

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